"Evolving Emotions" - The Story of ESB Photography — XCHC

"Evolving Emotions" - The Story of ESB Photography

Gilchrist's exhibition will be viewable at XCHC Gallery & Cafe, Monday-Friday 7:30am - 3:00pm and for Friday nights performance from 7:30pm-10:30pm.

"My story begins as most stories begin, with love. I fell in love with a girl and I married her. We loved the outdoors, tramping and dare I say it...long walks on the beach! We had planned our lives together, she had just graduated from Dentistry in Otago, secured her first job, everything was looking great. But this wasn't a fairy tale ending. She started getting tired, lost weight, couldn't keep down food and then the doctors told her she had three months to live. Our world came crashing down. Cancer, stage 4, in operable. She was strong and fought until the end. For me my photography story started here.

I started to walk mountain tracks to help me cope with my loss and as I continued on this journey the beauty of New Zealand captured my spirit. It started to bring joy back into my life and I wanted to share my journey with others. 

So I started ESB photography, es for my wife Ester and B for myself Brendon. I hope these photographs capture something special for you. To own one of these pictures is to own a piece of the story. To capture a glimpse of the beautiful landscape that is New Zealand. I will continue this journey and I hope it may bring inspiration to others, wherever the story may lead."
- Brendon Gilchrist

Brendon came to XCHC in October 2016 with a new found desire to share his work by having his first exhibition in early December. Little did we know, the story behind his work would captivate audiences before it was even hung on the walls. Thank you Brendon for sharing your story; we eagerly await to experience your exhibition!

Brendon will be exhibiting his work at XCHC Gallery & Cafe, Monday-Friday 7:30am - 3:00pm and for Friday nights performance from 7:30pm-10:30pm.

Brendon Gilchrist
Email: es23@clear.net.nz
Phone: 0210323651
Instagram: @brendon_esbphotography
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ESB23Photography