Bar open at 5:00, film starts at 7:30
US AND THE GAME INDUSTRY (2014) Dur: 1 hr 35mins (trailer)
Director Stephanie Beth will be present for Q&A
Event made possible by Commondreams and RDU
This documentary visits a 21st century video game being built at an independent game studio in Santa Monica, USA called JOURNEY. In the film are cameos of more young video game developers in reflection. JOURNEY was a game of impact in 2013, with a significant fan base still today. Other games discussed include Antichamber, The Castle Doctrine, SPELLTOWER and J.S.JOUST. Reviewsand discussions about all of these games are accessible in cyberspace. Developers in the film are: Jason Rohrer, the thatgamecompany team, Douglas Wilson, Alexander Bruce and Zach Gage.
Game design belongs to a 2000 year old tradition. The computer has provided an explosion of exploration in electronic games. It has provided a vast playground for computer scientists, puzzlers, role players, strategists and more recently, artists on the screen and in public and online Interactions.
We may be witnesses to a golden era of game design and game consumption, is the feeling of one of the developers in the film. At the heart of games is rules and play. Play sparks thinking innovations.
This film entered the fray when energy bubbled up inside many individuals, circa 2007 - 2009. Text books and University courses were part of the mix in these laboratories for design. As much so were individual long-term investments already made in many childhoods by all of these developers, the first generation born tohome computers. What was possible for, Stephanie Beth, director of this film, was her access to the effort new design enthusiasts were exhibiting before large publics were not so aware of their efforts and celebrations.
Game designer, poet and scholar, Ian Bogost said in his most recent book coming out In 2016, How to Talk About Videogames, games are, “ part art and part appliance, part tableau and part toaster”.
“ Laughter, exasperation and insights gained in play help conflate some the norms of life. Games are as just another one of our several tools for adaptations and resilience in the contemporary landscape. There is scope to think about all this with the film on the screen. “ says Beth.
Guests accompanying the screening on March 25include members if theChristchurch Go Club as well as a demonstration player of the Playstation 3 game JOURNEY.
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