Bar open at 5:00, film starts at 7:30
The Salt of the Earth (2014) Dur: 1 hr 40mins (trailer)
Directors Sebastiao Salgardo and Wim Wenders
The documentary film series is coordinated by Stephanie Beth of Common Dreams.
Hal Gould, curator, has called Sebastiao Salgardo the greatest photographer in the 21st Century. Lyotard says that Freud said that the dreamwork is the work of desire.” Desire does not speak; it does violence to the order of utterance”.(1) Lyotard sees that Freud describes the significance of dreams, not by way of having the common notion of interpretation, but as having a core impulse of thought even though dreams are mostly everything that is not to do with thought. Here, with the introduction of the figure in Salgardo photography , we get to,” the relationship between figure and documentary as a text”.(2) anwhat What processes does a documentary filmmaker have as tool other than treatments of photographic realism and selected sounds to score an idea?Questions may arise about where paradigm shifts in a scientific view of our post contemporary world gain traction here in consideration of Salgado. If moving images created by filmmakers hold dreams revealed, in documentaries it is the miasma of death that sits at the core of the wonder at the sadness about loss that these films so often allow us to feel. That being said, it is hope, joy and engagement with the exquisite fragility of life and it’s diversity that draws us into reflection and action. Salgardo, over forty years, has traversed the earth taking monochrome photos of nature and humans within it. He grew up in Brazil on the land, acutely conscious of symbiosis. He has focused upon life in the premodern world with a desire to preserve for all humankind awareness of the 41% that is isolated from the modern and is still pristine. This documentary is some coverage of his photographic journey. Werner Herzog goes with him. The film touches upon his drive to express what became a masterpiece of his magnum opus’ of Art photos now in a Tashen collection titled Genesis.
Meet the Filmmakers behind the Salt of the Earth Salgado Documentary
1.ed. Benjamin. A.Lyotard.J.F. p 19 The Lyotard Reader. Basil Blackwell Inc.1987
2. Ditto