Bar Opens at 5:00, Music from 7:00 - 9:00pm
$10pp donation for musicians appreciated but not required
What is freedom and liberation? How was and is music used to inspire freedom, and achieve “liberation”? These songs and accompanying stories are meant to inspire and evoke a sense of freedom, either for the artist personally, or for the greater good of all, or maybe both. Songs of sorrow, triumph, or inspiration; every great yearning, among people in history, for freedom, was accompanied by music and song. In the present time, what may that song sound like?
This evenings music is a montage of spoken word and songs, about “freedom and liberation”, and what this theme signifies and sounds like, to four Christchurch musicians, including local songsters Chris Williams & Marco Zonka, and songstress Courtney Stickels and Lisa Tui.
Come enjoy the spirit freedom and add your voice and presence affirming it!